Attacked By a Hog: Has it Happened to You?

Reader Submitted: I’ve been reading about the viciousness of our resident grizzly bears we have in Texas, otherwise known as feral hogs. I have heard, as I know all of you have, about my friends-cousins-neighbors-nephews-mail mans-brother that was attacked by a pack of demon-possessed pigs while hog hunting or filling his bluebird feeder or whatever. I personally know men that have cornered hogs with snarling dogs, thrown the hogs down and slashed the hogs ears, tail and manhood with a dirty knife and were then savagely attacked. Go after my crotch with a rusty, dull Case knife and I will bite you too!

If anything (including a man) grabs a terrified, squealing piglet, the protective mother will be protective and attack. Any animal cornered to tight to its liking will bite, claw, scratch and possibly kill. I have chased these killers for over 20 years and had a few that I cut, kicked or trapped chase me. However, I have never had an unprovoked hog rush from its secret habitat and viciously attack! I have never walked up on a group of porkers at a feeder, food plot or acorn-dropping white oak that have rushed me in a mad frenzy.

On everyone of thousands of chance encounters, I have had with these vicious, maiming, feral hogs they have always ran the other way!
So, have you PERSONALLY been attacked by one of these voracious monsters while simply walking through the woods to a hog hunting, while scouting, while on a family picnic in the park, or during any other outdoor activity? I really would like to hear the TRUE story from the person attacked by a wild hog.

3 thoughts on “Attacked By a Hog: Has it Happened to You?”

  1. I had one run inside my pop up hunting blind once from behind me. Nearly scared the life out of me. But I haven’t ever had one charge me unprovoked.

  2. I had one charge me, but before he could make it he ran smack-dab into a .45 bullet right in the forehead. That stopped him. But I have seen some kill dogs. Of course, they were provoked, but there’s no doubt they can be mean and as I’ve heard stories and seen people with gashes from hogs cutters.

  3. I had a hog come up behind me once and stalk me. When I realized he was actually moving in on me, I tried to scare him off. Every time I tried to scare him, he advanced on me; growling the whole time. When he got within 10′ or so, I figured I’d better end the situation with a 44 to the head.

    He never charged me but he definitely saw me from a distance, sneaked up behind me, and would have attacked had I not shot him.

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